

Dr. Matt Gotschall欢迎来到中央社区学院,我们的使命是最大限度地提高学生和社区的成功. Not only locally, but at the state, 区域、国家和国际层面, 我们致力于为世界带来积极的变化. 我们高度重视在可持续发展主题和倡议方面对自己和他人的教育, 包括在内布拉斯加州中部的示范项目. 这些项目包括1.7-megawatt wind turbine at our Hastings Campus; high energy efficiency/renewable standards incorporated into our new Kearney Center; Grand Island Bee Campus USA designation; and pollinator gardens installed at our campuses in Columbus, 格兰德岛和黑斯廷斯. 我们加强了农业部门的合作学习活动, 酒店管理和烹饪艺术课程, 同时在众多学科中创建电子徽章.

At CCC we define environmental sustainability as meeting “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (1987 Brundtland report).  这对内布拉斯加州中部如此依赖清洁水的地区尤为重要, 新鲜的空气和肥沃的土壤来种植粮食,以帮助养活世界. 自最初开始实施更可持续的做法以来,我们已经走过了漫长的道路, 但要知道,到2034年实现气候中和,我们还有很长的路要走.

3C InitiativePlease take time to review this site further to see how we are striving to be good stewards of our environment and how you can be a part of supporting future generations through your actions today.

Matt Gotschall, PhD


Signatory of

Climate Leadership     SEED Initiative

Member Of

aashe member     U.S. 绿色建筑委员会     内布拉斯加州回收委员会



中央社区学院’s 环境可持续发展行动计划 spells out the commitment, CCC正在采取的目标和行动是成为我们环境的伟大管家-为我们的学生, 社区与地球.

Energy Conservation


The sustainability dashboard shows the consumption of electricity and natural gas for all of CCC and for individual campuses and centers on an annual basis.

Computer management

减少电脑设备对能源的需求, 屏幕在10分钟后进入节能模式, 30分钟后睡觉,两小时后休眠.


在无人使用的时间,如夜晚和周末,CCC利用建筑物的温度设置. This raises the temperature in the summer and lowers the temperature in the winter so that less energy is used to heat and cool unoccupied buildings.

Renewable Energy


CCC、Bluestem Energy和黑斯廷斯市之间的合作完成了1.7兆瓦的风力涡轮机,2016年12月在黑斯廷斯校园. 当运行时,这台涡轮机提供了校园所需的大部分电力.


The Hastings Campus has a 17 kilowatt ground-mounted tracking solar system south of the Merrick Building.


CCC has geothermal systems on the 格兰德岛和黑斯廷斯 campuses as well as at the Kearney Center. 地热系统在冬季利用地面作为热源,在夏季利用地面作为吸热器, 从而减少了加热和冷却建筑物的能源需求.


2018年5月,CCC购买了350股,共计52股.5兆瓦时/月,来自科尔尼SunWise社区太阳能项目. This is the largest community solar array project in Nebraska at Tech One Crossing located on 53 acres at 56th Street and Antelope Avenue in the Northeast side of Kearney.

These shares are enough to cover 100% of the projected annual electricity use at CCC's Kearney center. 通过购买这些股份, CCC locks in a utility rate with this agreement with a Purchase Power Agreement (PPA) between NPPD and the solar developer SoCore Energy.

CCC's Kearney Center received the first GreenPower certificate associated with the Kearney Community Solar Project and retains the environmental attributes associated with the purchased carbon free energy shares.   

可以看到太阳能阵列的总太阳能产量 here.

Zero Waste


CCC has made recycling easier than ever by adopting single-stream recycling on the 格兰德岛和黑斯廷斯校区以及科尔尼中心, 世界学习中心和大学公园. 单个流循环 means that all recyclable materials can be mixed together in CCC’s blue recycling bins. When in doubt, you can reference the recycling poster located on the front of blue recycle bins or this website for what can be recycled at your location.



与Trex合作, CCC在哥伦布号上增加了一个塑料薄膜回收箱, 格兰德岛和黑斯廷斯校区以及科尔尼中心. 收集的塑料薄膜被重新利用来生产Trex环保户外装饰. 在这些箱子里可以回收的物品是购物袋, bread bags, newspaper sleeves, food storage bags, produce bags, ice bags, 谷物衬垫等. 有关完整的清单,请参阅垃圾箱前面的海报. CCC已经回收了超过500磅. 并收到了一张由Trex公司回收塑料袋制成的长凳. 长凳位于哥伦布校园传粉者花园.


Bike share

The bike share consists of 10 bikes owned by the college that any CCC student or employee can check out at CCC-Columbus or CCC-Grand Island for free. 在春夏秋冬的任何一天,这些自行车都可以使用. 请访问我们的网站了解如何注册.

Bike fixit station

与中区卫生局合作, CCC has added a do-it-yourself bike fixit station to the Grand Island trail between Stuhr Museum and Highway 281, 在霍尔县公园和ccc -格兰岛之间. 维修站包括进行基本自行车维修和保养所需的所有工具, 从换轮胎到调整刹车和变速器. 还有一个带气压计的空气泵站.


CCC在所有三个校区和科尔尼中心拥有12辆油电混合动力车队. 这些混合动力汽车比传统的汽油车更省油.

Food Services


黑斯廷斯校区的HMRM项目在普拉特大楼有自己的餐饮服务. 他们有一个蔬菜和香草园,用来制作菜肴, 还有两个堆肥箱,将食物垃圾转化为可用于菜园的堆肥. They also incorporate sustainability practices into their courses and plan an annual sustainability event.


每个校区都有配备饮水机的水瓶加气站. Students and employees can use these to refill their water bottles with filtered and chilled water instead of using disposable bottles of water.


CCC与Chartwells签订了在所有三个校区提供餐饮服务的合同. Chartwells is committed to sustainable food practices through sourcing food locally and reducing food waste.



感谢内布拉斯加州州立植物园的资助, 2017年8月,哥伦布校区增加了一个传粉者花园. 它位于设施管理处的南面,靠近果树. 这座花园面积约为7200平方英尺(约合7200平方米),有大约1460种花卉、草和灌木.


The Grand Island Campus added a pollinator garden in September 2017 and received the same grant as the Columbus Campus. The pollinator garden can be found on the east side of the Center for Industry and Technology building. 这里有超过25种不同的本地植物, 格兰德岛传粉者花园的一期工程已经完成.


The Hastings HMRM program received a CCC mini-grant for a pollinator garden and planted it in summer 2017. 花园在道森大厦的东侧. 它靠近HMRM的菜园,这将反过来受益于传粉者.

Bee Campus USA 

2017年5月,格兰德岛校区被命名为蜜蜂校区. CCC成为美国第29所学校.S. 获得认证,也是内布拉斯加州唯一一所被命名为蜜蜂校园的学校. 美国蜜蜂校园奖励那些教育学生了解传粉媒介的好处的学校.


eBadge Opportunities

电子徽章项目于2016年秋季启动. An eBadge is an award that learners can share with potential employers on their resume and with their social media networks. 获得的电子徽章也会出现在CCC的课程成绩单上. CCC students, 员工和其他与学院有关的人员可以在课程中进行选择, community education classes and volunteer and service learning experiences offered by the environmental sustainability office and across the college.

目前提供三种电子徽章:环境管理领导力, Problem Solving, and Symbiosis.


能源技术计划是CCC黑斯廷斯校区提供的应用科学副学士学位. 能源技术专业的学生将在如何设计方面接受高度训练, 维护和修理用于利用风能、太阳能和电池存储的仪器.

Community Education

CCC的许多社区教育课程都包含了环境可持续性. 在社区教育宣传册上, 这些类通过在类名旁边有一到四个叶子来标记. One leaf means sustainability is incorporated into the class and four leaves means that the class is solely focused on a sustainability topic.

Campus Internships

The intern program for the environmental sustainability office began in 2014 and has continued to grow and develop. 实习生承担各种各样的职责,运用各种各样的技能,比如发电子邮件, public speaking, 以下是详细说明, 独立工作和团队合作. 了解我们过去和现在的实习生 here.


The 可持续发展领导讲座系列(SLPS) is a monthly live broadcast of highly qualified and credible speakers who present on regional topics of sustainability and global and local environmental issues. SLPS目前是该学院与全州合作的第七个年头.


The 学生4可持续发展 (S4S) is a student organization that is open to all current CCC students with an interest in sustainability or the environment. S4S授权学生通过校园项目在他们的生活中做出可持续的改变, 当地社区的努力, and peer education.

Earth Month

每年春天的4月22日地球日前后, CCC hosts Earth Month events at each campus location to provide education on sustainability and the importance of the environment. 活动包括学生专题展览、演讲和参观. 请关注今年即将到来的地球月活动的更多信息.

America Recycles Day

CCC在每年的11月10日举办美国回收日. 在哥伦布校区. America Recycles Day is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States.


  • 格兰德岛的收养公路
  • State Fair
  • Recycling Audits
  • Community Walks
  • Summer Camps
  • Community Gardens
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